Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Queen Elizabeth Relay Team

This is Queen Elizabeth's fine-looking Relay team. From left to right: Ginger Dickson, Jason Young, Victoria Carroll, Jen Ronan & Joe Carroll. Results are currently not in. We had a great day for the run & look forward to next year's run in the PEC Marathon.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pre-Prince Edward County Marathon.....Oct.14th,2007

To start off, I'm up an hour and a half too early. I'm only running 10 K, the second leg of the race. For the training I currentyly have, it will be tough. Of course my Dad & Brother are running the full....they are fully trained though. Dad is looking to qualify for Boston. At least while I am running today it will give me sometime to think about this upcoming week for my Law course. This week is going to be crazy. My sister-in-law is overdue; Monday: Duty & exercise class for my son; Tuesday: MLS meeting- from a organization dealing with wind turbines; in the evening a mandatory training night on the new SCBA packs. Guess I have to think about the rest of the week.
Well time is getting on & I should eat something......
Wish me luck.